Monday, November 9, 2009

The Beginning Saga

So I'm writing this first post at 11:20 at night and I'm just a little braindead. In other words, do not expect profound thoughts or a nice little devotional or anything from this post. In some way, I think I actually prefer it this way. A part of me rebels against being TOO serious. I think that's why I post so many absurd things as my Facebook status. And the more random and funny a conversation is, the happier and more hyper I become.

At any rate, we are currently at the beginning of something new. I feel a little excited in a way, kinda like I do when I begin a good book series, or find a new show I like. There's almost a fanatical edge to wanting to know EVERYTHING about the series or show, and I keep a mental countdown going in my head for when the next installment will be. I don't expect this blog will be anything great, but maybe, perhaps, you can learn a little about me or maybe even learn something from what I say.

I do like to think and converse...even *gasp* discuss things. Chances are, you'll see more of my 'serious' side in this blog. But that doesn't mean there won't be an oddball post occasionally. ;)

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